Pro Bono

Pro Bono

We believe that providing pro bono services, underpaid services of public interest and contributing time and resources to charitable organizations advances our profession and our community.

Firm’s partners are members of Rotary International and Lions Club International.

Dr. Roberto Rubini has been Chairman of Istituto Assistenza Anziani of Verona for 10 years from 1996 to 2006, bringing entrepreneurship and long-term view that allowed this reputable institution – thanks also to the help of all its staff – to stabilize its finances and to fund sizeable investment that improved the quality of life and provided more infrastructures for its guests.

Dr. Patrizia Martello is founding member of Angeli del Bello in Verona: volunteer members provide time and tools to clean wall-writing, monuments, and to improve beauty and cleanliness of our town in general.

Since mid ‘90s, Studio Rubini has organized Christmas concerts, granting funds to help some students of the music college of Verona.